пятница, 18 декабря 2009 г.


The new version of EC2Studio is released.

The users can use several Amazon EC2 accounts when they work with the add-in. Account changing in the add-in is available in the same easy manner like changing of the AWS region at the all EC2 add-in pages. Once an account is added and the connection is tested – it’s ready to use.

The operations with new AWS feature - Instance with EBS root file system - are supported in the new version. The instance is available to start from the special AMI (with root device type ‘EBS’). The instances operations Start and Stop are available for such instances.

And Amazon Elastic IP feature is supported now in this new version. Now you can assign permanent IP address to your instances.

The new version is free and available to download from the site http://www.ec2studio.com.

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